How to find the cheapest VPS (or other Cloud services.)

A VPS is a virtual private server, a small chunk of a server that can be used to host webpages, VPN software, a simple script, or pretty much anything that would normally run on a…

KVM vs. OpenVZ – A quick comparison of two popular VPS types

KVM stands for “Kernel-based Virtual Machine” which is a virtualization module baked into the Linux kernel. As long as the hardware has Intel VT or AMD-V enabled, it means the computer/computer server running the latest…

What is a VPN and how does the internet work?

You’ve probably heard a lot about a VPN and how it may help “secure” your internet or lift imposed geo-restrictions to use an online service, but it goes a lot further than that and to…

All SSDs aren’t created equal: picking the right NVMe SSD

Imagine you’re purchasing a graphics card. What do you look for? Perhaps you might glance at the clock rate or memory size, but chances are you’ll pay more close attention to the benchmarks, real world…